Unlock Your Full Potential with Self-Awareness in Health and Fitness

Unlock Your Full Potential with Self-Awareness in Health and Fitness

When it comes to health and fitness, we often focus solely on the physical aspect – working out, eating healthy, and reaching our fitness goals. However, we often overlook the importance of self-awareness in achieving positive long-lasting results.

Self-awareness is the cornerstone of personal growth and development, and it’s especially important in the context of health and fitness. By being self-aware, we can understand our own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and how they impact our health and wellness. This understanding allows us to take control of our health and make the necessary changes to become the best version of ourselves.

Why is Self-Awareness Important in Health and Fitness?

Self-awareness is crucial in achieving positive long-lasting results in health and fitness for several reasons:

  1. Identifying Limitations and Challenges: Self-awareness allows us to identify our limitations and challenges. This includes physical limitations, mental health issues, or emotional roadblocks that may be holding us back from achieving our goals.
  2. Understanding Motivations: Self-awareness allows us to understand our motivations for pursuing health and fitness goals. By understanding what drives us, we can stay motivated and committed to achieving our goals.
  3. Recognizing Destructive Behaviors: Self-awareness helps us recognize destructive behaviors that may be hindering our progress. This includes unhealthy eating habits, lack of sleep, or stress.
  4. Empowering Ourselves: Self-awareness empowers us to take control of our health and wellness. We become more in tune with our bodies and minds, and we can make healthier choices that benefit us in the long run.
  5. Sustaining Long-Term Success: Self-awareness helps us sustain long-term success in health and fitness. By understanding our own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, we can create habits that lead to long-lasting positive results.

Tactics for Achieving Positive Long-Lasting Results

Here are five tactics to help you achieve positive long-lasting results in health and fitness through self-awareness:

  1. Practice Mindfulness: Practicing mindfulness allows you to be more present in the moment and aware of your thoughts and feelings. This can help you identify destructive behaviors and make healthier choices. Try practicing mindfulness through meditation, yoga, or simply taking a few deep breaths throughout the day.
  2. Keep a Journal: Keeping a journal can help you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings. Write down what you eat, how you feel after a workout, and any other thoughts or emotions that come up throughout the day. This can help you identify patterns and triggers that may be holding you back.
  3. Seek Feedback: Seek feedback from friends, family, or a fitness coach. Ask for constructive criticism and advice on how to improve your form or technique. This feedback can help you identify areas for improvement and stay on track with your goals.
  4. Take Responsibility: Take responsibility for your actions and choices. Recognize when you make unhealthy choices and take steps to make healthier ones. By taking responsibility, you empower yourself to make positive changes.
  5. Embrace Vulnerability: Be open and honest with yourself and others about your thoughts, feelings, and challenges. This vulnerability can help you connect with others who may be going through similar struggles, and it can also help you overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.

Self-awareness is a crucial component of achieving positive long-lasting results in health and fitness. By being self-aware, we can identify limitations and challenges, understand our motivations, recognize destructive behaviors, empower ourselves, and sustain long-term success. By practicing mindfulness, keeping a journal, seeking feedback, taking responsibility, and embracing vulnerability, we can become more self-aware and achieve our health and fitness goals.

Build on good habits

Build on good habits

Did you know it can take anywhere from 18 to 254 days for a person to form a new habit and an average of 66 days for a new behavior to become automatic. In the study entitled “Habits—A Repeat Performance” they state that habits make up approximately 40% of our daily activities.

If you want to be successful in reaching any goal(s) that you’ve set for yourself you need to create habits that get you to where you want to be. So work on creating habits that work FOR you. Don’t focus on ‘killing bad habits’ instead focus on ‘building good habits’ or ‘excellence habits’.

Here are some GOOD Habits you can look at adding to your day, every day:

Habit #1: Working Out Early (or at a set time every day)

Habit #2: Exercise When Fasted

Habit #3: Create a ‘challenge’ for yourself. (push-ups > do 10 every day for a week, then 20, then 30… etc..)

Habit #4: Replace something in your diet… (Drink Water, not soda)

Habit #5: Practice Proper Breathing – Box Breathing.

Habit#6: Take a Cold Shower (rhea loves these)

Habit #7: Seek Out Silence or meditation (TURN OFF FACEBOOK)

Habit #8: Be Positive for 72 hours. (don’t complain, or whine or talk bad about someone else)

Habit #9: Rearrange Your Fridge.

Habit #10: Battle Buddy (tag a friend and check in on them every day…)

Habit #11: Seek out cardio – go for a long walk or run. – Cardio can help reset your nervous system.

Habit #12: Find Zen with your partner or close friends. – Do This (Look him or her in the eye and say, “I messed up. I’m sorry.” Then shut up.)

Habit #13: Check the Label – take some time at home, go through your cabinets and review the food labels on everything in there… learn.

Habit #14: Be Mindful

Habit #15: Keep a Food Journal. I like Loose IT.

Habit #16: Take a Cue to Stand – more important than ever if you’re working from home. ON THE COUCH…

Habit#17: Keep a daily schedule. 

Habit #18: Stretch – https://warriorfitnessma.com/mobility-recovery-library/

Habit #19: Be Grateful

Habit #20: Get to the gym 3-4 times a week. 🙂 *you know I had to write that one…