Feeling like you’ve been doing all the right things in the gym but also feel like you’re lagging behind on your goals? Intention might be the missing ingredient you’re looking for.
Focusing on your Intention in your workouts could reap big dividends.
This doesn’t mean you should be redlining in every WOD or leaving the gym feeling like you’ve just thoroughly had your ass kicked. It could simply be that all you need to do is bring some intentional focus to your workouts.
If you catch yourself just going through the motions, or lagging behind everyone else for whatever reasons. It’s probably time to focus on your approach or the intentions of the workout.
Proper scaling and approach can really help you ring out every ounce of affect you’re looking for.
BTW your coach can help you with intention setting before each workout, or in the very least can help you set an approach that fits with the goals you’re working towards.
Here’s an example; the workout calls for 4 rounds of 10 Thrusters at 75 lbs and a 400 meter run. But when you perform Thrusters at 75 lbs they take you forever to get through. The intention of this workout is to get fast output and a high heart rate. So you should be scaling down to 50 or even 45 lbs on the thruster, and maybe even limiting the runs to 200 meters.
This isn’t just about scaling down, maybe you need to scale up or maybe you’re recovering from an injury or being sick… it all adds up and the perscription is to take a moment and set your intention for the day BEFORE you start the workout.
For all your workouts this week, think about the muscles that you’re targeting before every set.